Monday, November 15, 2010

Lyrical Triptych

What we was told to do was pick any song we like, take any part of the lyrics and get three pictures to put them in one. First step was to pick the lyrics and then pick four parts of the lyrics to go into the four panles. Second thing we had to do was pick three pictures for each triptych and put in them into one whole picture.  Also we had to resize the pictures and play around with them so that it fits and makes it look like its one whole picture. The thing was that it had to go with the lyrics and we could make it blend in or fade with the backround.

  Vissually my triptych is a typical love story. The song I chosse was one in a life time by monica. The first tyriptych is a girl looking out her window who is hurt  and think about him because her and her boyfriend had just got into a dissagreement. So she remebering the times they shared over the locket her had gave her. The other panel is of both of them on a beautiful day kissing with a tree turing into a heart blending in. Last is the couple holding hands walking on the beach as the sun is setting with a somking heart in the sky.

   My lyrics was about two people who where madly in love and just had some dissagreements. So i reflected on two people who where mad at each other. The mood was emotional, happy, sad, angery, and heartbroken. So i just focus on a couple and how i see girlfriends and boyfriends in the real world. For example, the both dissagree on something and didnt talk to each other for a while but in end relize that u only get love in a life time. Also that no matter how much u argue u willl alwayzs love other and never take youre love for granted cause u never know what u have until its gone.

    The experience in working with adobe photo shop this year was great. I experienec different things with comupter that i thought i would. For example putting two pictures in one. I was very sucessfull in the creation of the project from the last one I created. One thing i feel i could of did better on was play with pictures more and also focus on the lyrics. I dont think i would do anything differentlyand that i have over come a lot from my other project and i had put my best effort forward in this work.

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